IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) 2019

IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) – Thailand Chapter, IEEE Thailand Section and IEEE PES
(Headquarter, USA) join together to proudly hold IEEE PES Generation Transmission and
Distribution (GTD) Grand International Conference and Exposition Asia 2019 (GTD Asia
2019) during 19 – 23 March 2019 at EH 98-100, Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre
(BITEC), Bangkok, Thailand.

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 It is such an exceptional opportunity that the IEEE PES GTD Asia 2019 will be held in Thailand and, moreover, for the very first time in Asia as it has been inherited from IEEE PES T&D Conference and Exhibition arranged biannually in North America for almost
40 years. This world class event will be held under the concept “Big Shift in Power and Energy” which comprises with three major industries: (i) Power Generation (PG), (ii) Transmission and Distribution (T&D) and (iii) Renewable Energy (RE). Also, there will be exhibitions from several international exhibitors and organizations who will not only help boost our economy but also encourage research progression and Innovation Technologies and Energy of Thailand to be substantially and internationally compatible.